School years and semesters are now well under way for folks whose work is most pressing on that September-to-June cycle. And where have we been? Well, getting said year under way, of course. Despite the fact that I'm on research leave, we are diligent about our meal planning and about using weekends to do some advance work for the week. (This means that doing the prep has taken precedence over blogging about it over the past two busy weekends - sorry, friends.) If you've been around food blogs for any length of time, you've seen ten thousand people praising meal prep and telling you it's the secret to your new healthy lifestyle. I wish this was the moment when I said "but they're wrong!" or "do it like this!" but... meal prep, especially lunch prep, is crucial to our family's ability to eat well and resist the siren calls of ordering a pizza or grabbing something processed. However. Karen and I can manage most of the prep in about ...