We spent a week and a bit on the road, visiting my parents - and now, we're back! It's good to be home for many reasons, but perhaps the most relevant one here is that it's CSA day. Yum, veggies. My parents mostly accommodated our semi-vegetarian eating habits, but there was still more meat and more vacation treats than necessary. Plus I missed my kitchen! My mom also likes cooking, which means that every time I tried to prepare something, she came to help - or intervened and offered to do it. It's good to go do things in my kitchen when I want to... and to know where everything is. Hello, veggies! So this morning, it was off to market as usual on a Saturday. But one unusual thing is the size of our farm share this week. You see, our farm will allow us to set a "vacation hold" and choose a week later in the season to receive a double share. Effectively, this means we got last week's box *and* this week's box today. And what a...